May 2, 2007: Celebri-spiraling Without Makeup!
Somehow, videos like this, that show celebs in their natural, untouched state, balance the airbrushed, overly polished, and glam shots that make us feel like we can't possibly compare to the Gods and Goddesses of Hollywood.
The feeling isn't schadenfreude as much as it's relief, as if the unattainable just might be closer than you think. Or possibly, that you don't need to feel so bad when you're hanging out in your sweats.
OK, OK, some of them would be stunning after running a marathon or when they're exhausted. But for most, without Photoshop, kind and sensitive cinematographers, and the Zone Diet, where would they be?
I love it. Some real great shots in there. Makes me feel like I've got a leg up (and some thunder thighs, and a belly) on some of those chicks. :)
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