Celebri-spiral™: Enough Already

Our culture is in a celebri-spiral. We're conflicted over our ridiculous, growing celebrity culture consumption via magazines, websites, and TV shows. In 2007, my love/hate conflict made me take to the blog-o-sphere. All writing on this site © Dave Singleton 2009.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

January 16, 2007: The Golden Globes-My 10 Favorite Celebrity Moments

My favorite offbeat moments at the Golden Globes this year?

10. Raccoon eyed Rosanna & Patricia Arquette bobbing and weaving with loads of 'tude and swagger on the red carpet as if one thought she was still hot and the other lost her bottle of Oxycontin.

9. That awkward look Kevin Bacon gave when Kyra Sedgwick went on too long for her Best Actress win. Love, yes. But awkward love. Haven't we ALL wished our S.O. would STFU. Let's be real, people.

8. Jennifer Hudson's fakey "All About Eve" acceptance speech as Beyonce "Bette Davis" Channing-Knowles looks on knowingly. Cmon' girl. After your raves, it's time to offer up the Shirley Maclaine "I knew I was going to win. I deserve this" Terms of Endearment speech.

7. Angie's attitude-laden red carpet crawl. What was she thinking as she shot eyeball darts at various media outlets? Especially painful: the silent Ryan Seacrest interview.

6. Justin crouching down in an attempt to emulate Prince's 5'2" petite frame as he accepted for the very late Prince, adding, "I'd like to accept this award on his behalf." Justin is a funny beeyotch-a-bitch.

5. Joan asking Little Miss Sunshine star Abigail Breslin what her beauty regime is. Abigail's response was, "What?" Abigail is 10.

4. Meryl's brilliant acceptance speech especially, "Oh shut up. It's not that long," when a heckler laughed at her pulling her written notes out.

3. The overhwhelming positive response to America Ferrara and Ugly Betty. Everyone was truly rooting for her, and she came off as genuine.

2. Annette Bening kicking back champagne and laughing nervously when Tom Hanks asked for a show of hands of women Warren Beatty slept with...it's always fun to be reminded that your husband, while older and dottier than ever, was once a manwhore.

1. Borat, and the anus/testicles thank you speech.


Blogger abby said...

totally with you on all counts! very perceptive analysis. totally don't buy into angelina's whole humanitarian facade. she's an actress! we all still know what a beyotch she is! so above everyone else.
i also loved america's post acceptance interview with maria menounous - so awkward!

Thursday, January 25, 2007 8:39:00 AM  

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